Monday 30 March 2015

Cucumber Apple Brownie Refeshing Juice

Hi guys!!!

So, due to the fact that I am suffering from Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome I have to try my very best to improve my diet. Thus this JUICE .

I made this drink yesterday evening. I drank 3/4cup of it immediately after and placed the remainder in the refrigerator for today.

When I woke up this morning, I drank some water with a little lime and had some more of this juice about 45 mins after.

Pros about this drink:

*It requires little time to prepare
*Its all natural and healthy
*Its filled with vitamins and minerals
*It goes straight into your bloodstream

Cons about this drink:
* It lacks fiber
* detox symptom ...for me, it was just a slight head tension. (brief moment & tolerable)

The following ingredients were used:


1 cucumber
2 small carrot
2 celery stalk
1/2 sweet pepper
1 green apple
1 tomato
3/4 cup of water
1. Cut all ingredients into smaller pieces  

2. Placed everything in your blender and blend
3. Strain with a strainer or cloth for a smooth drink.
4. serve in a glass.

Hope this was somewhat helpful to you. Take care and visit again. bye :-)

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