Saturday 20 July 2013

Reduced Menstrual Cycle and Longer Period length

As we all know, not everyone as the same length menstrual cycle and our menstrual cycle helps us to determine when we actually ovulate. However, it doesn't means that because a lady has her menstrual, she has ovulated within that cycle. Yes, there are women like myself who have their periods and does not ovulate. The term that is used for that is Anovulation.

 According to an article exert from"Anovulation is a condition in which the ovary does not release a ripened egg each month as part of a woman's normal cycle in her reproductive years. Naturally, with no egg available for sperm, a woman cannot become pregnant. Thus, anovulation is a prime factor in  infertility"

Women  who face this situation still have a chance of conceiving with the aid of fertility treatments. One of which doctors most times use as first choice treatment for their patients is Clomid. Clomid is a tablet that is taken for 5 day. Some doctors will tell you to start taking it on cycle day 3 while some will instruct you to ingest it on cycle day 5. A doctor may start his patient off with the lowest dosage of 50mg but if he notice that its not working after about three tries, he may increase the dosage. Now if the increase dosage does not work, he would most likely move on to another treatment. For me, when my doctor realized that clomid was not working for me, he moved me on to injectables (Menopur). However my first try of that didn't work either and now I am on a break while I await fertilityaid and ovaboost.

Having a menstrual cycle that is at times all over the place can be very frustrating enough but not ovulating is even more traumatizing. For a while I have been having a steady menstrual cycle  but after the injectables my cycle has changed. Before the injectables my cycle would last for 35 days but last month it changed to a 24 days cycle with much longer period length (10days) than the usual 4 days.  However, I am hoping that when I start using the fertilityaid and ovaboost I will see and feel some positive changes. I have friends that have reaped positive results from these tablets so lets see what it will do for me.

 I will not let the changes in my cycle distress me and I hope women out there who are having similar situation as myself wont get frustrated and sadden by it either. Women we have to be strong throughout this journey, so stay strong and lets fight a good fight. Take care all and best wishes to those ttc.

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