Thursday 18 July 2013

Infertility: PCOS

Trying to conceive and not being able to is very hard for women. I can testify that its very distressing to really want a child of my own and is unable to. My journey of ttc started in 2010 when me and my spouse where trying and noticed that we weren't achieving pregnancy. It wasn't quiet a year trying but it was almost a year. After trying for so many months I decided to go to the doctor. I visited the doctor, he did some physical examinations and right there and then I discovered that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). When the doctor told me I had PCOS I was lost out of this world. I though that I wasn't going to able to have a child at all. However, my doctor assured me that all is not lost having PCOS. With all that said, I was still down for a few weeks until I regained my energy to retry. It was after finding out about my condition I  finally realize why I had so much hair over my body. PCOS symptom are having facial hair, irregular periods, difficulty losing weight and much more. Women who have PCOS also does not ovulate very often.

 During my ttc journey so far, I have never been pregnant. From I was diagnosed with PCOS I have been on Metformin. Along with Metformin I have tried Clomid for several cycles and they all failed. I have taken breaks from Clomid and I have also try Injectables once so far. My spouse was the one to administer the injectables because I was too scared to do it myself. He injected two vials per day for five days after which I had to visit my doctor on cd10. My spouse injected the vials and I went back to see my doctor. When I went to see me doctor he did an ultrasound and he saw one follicle measuring 11cm. That follicle wasn't big enough for him to proceed to his next step, which is administering an HCG shot. So he requested that I come back to see him three days time. 

I went back to him within the three days and when he did another ultrasound again he realized that the follicle that was present wasnt getting any bigger. It didn't develop. I was so traumatize because I am trying so badly for years and plus, the injectables cost me soooo much and I couldn't afford another set of injectables.  

I got back my composure days after and I started researching my options online. While researching I reminded myself that I cant stop trying and Ivf would be to expensive at this time. So I have discovered something new called fertilityaid and ovaboost and I have ordered them online. I am now awaiting there arrival and as soon as they arrive I will give an update. So you all can check back for the update on that in the next few days.  Wish me luck y'all and all the best to all those ttc.

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