Sunday 21 July 2013

How To Handle PCOS Stress while Trying To Concieve

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a monster. I know that. I know you wish you could just use a eraser and erase it out of  your life so you wouldn't have to deal with all the stress and struggles it puts you through. However that's not possible, but, I know you can get pass it with less stress and worries. It wont be very easy but you can get pass it utilizing one or more of  the ideas outlined below along with a cup of patience and practice.


Instead of crying and getting frustrated at the whole world, why not try listening to some of your favorite tunes on your iphone, mp3 player or phones? Listening to your favorite tunes can really work magic for you, especially if you are a music lover. However if you are feeling down, please refrain from listening sad songs, songs that will put you in a reflective mode and make matters worst. Its best to listen songs that have rhythm, ones that will make you sing out loud or even make you bounce along

Ok! You aren't a music lover, but you are indeed a lover of flower. So why not get you shovel, gloves and all the necessary gardening material and start transforming that negative energy that PCOS have placed upon you to beautifying your home? Gardening can be really fun and I know it can be very relaxing looking at beautiful flowers sitting around in your home. I know it can get pretty messy in the garden at times but its worth the try.

3. Manicure & Pedicure
After doing all that gardening its now time for a little manicure and pedicure and if you didn't do gardening, its fine, you can still go ahead and pamper yourself. Every woman loves to be pampered so getting a manicure and pedicure, for sure, would be fun for many women. You can either do it yourself or you can visit a professional. However I would recommend that you do it yourself. Reason being is that it would have your mind focusing much more on the process of getting your hands and feet looking beautiful than if you visited a professional who most likely will do a great job while you just relax and that creates the chance of you reflecting on your pcos                                                                                           struggles.

Exercise is a very important aspect of your TTC with PCOS journey as well as the treatment of PCOS in general. So if you haven't start doing it yet, you can start now. In order to also rid yourself of the emotional and physical stress that PCOS has to offer, you can also use exercise to help you. You don't have to over do it but make sure it is enough to help you in a positive way.

I Love love shopping!! Fun shopping is not just walking in a store to pick up an item and then head on back home. To make your shopping fun and enjoyable you have to take you time to browse through items, which can be pharmaceuticals, clothes, shoes, household items etc and  read the instruction or ingredients on products. This way you would choose the best of the best, go home feeling happy and relieved of your stress & frustration.
So if you were use to just buying and go, make a change and add little more fun to it next time.

6. Night-out
So you have gotten your nails done, you have bought yourself a new outfit, you wont be doing anything much over the weekend and your feeling sad and distress because you really want a baby or to get over feeling down. Don't you think calling up a few friends or relative to go on a night-out would transform the sad you, to a happy you? I for sure think so. I don't think a little chit chat with friends or relatives or dancing off your heels will make things any worst. I think it could only make it better. So go on now, get those shoes and out fits on, call up some people and go have some fun. This too is worth the try.

If you are the stay home type a woman and enjoys being at home or by yourself, you can go ahead and join an online forum or group that shares your interest. This way you can share your experience with others as well as hear what others are going through and offer support. This will also allow you to realize that there are others out there who are going the same struggle as you or even more.

Yes read! Reading is also a fun activity, you might be saying oh no to this but i am telling you, OH YES!! I bet if I had a book that interest you, lend it to you to read, you wouldn't want to give it back until you are done reading it. Why? There are several different types of written pieces. You have magazines, newspaper, fiction books, non fiction books, romance novels etc. and there must be one in which you enjoy. Therefore, you can choose the one that suits you best and start reading. Doing this will not only occupy your mind but it will also increase your vocabulary and give you the chance of learning something new.

 The saying says " one size doesn't fits all." So ladies choose what suits you best and men help your ladies by sharing these ideas with them. Go on now and use these fun ideas to whip PCOS down to the ground. CHOW!!! :-)

Saturday 20 July 2013

Reduced Menstrual Cycle and Longer Period length

As we all know, not everyone as the same length menstrual cycle and our menstrual cycle helps us to determine when we actually ovulate. However, it doesn't means that because a lady has her menstrual, she has ovulated within that cycle. Yes, there are women like myself who have their periods and does not ovulate. The term that is used for that is Anovulation.

 According to an article exert from"Anovulation is a condition in which the ovary does not release a ripened egg each month as part of a woman's normal cycle in her reproductive years. Naturally, with no egg available for sperm, a woman cannot become pregnant. Thus, anovulation is a prime factor in  infertility"

Women  who face this situation still have a chance of conceiving with the aid of fertility treatments. One of which doctors most times use as first choice treatment for their patients is Clomid. Clomid is a tablet that is taken for 5 day. Some doctors will tell you to start taking it on cycle day 3 while some will instruct you to ingest it on cycle day 5. A doctor may start his patient off with the lowest dosage of 50mg but if he notice that its not working after about three tries, he may increase the dosage. Now if the increase dosage does not work, he would most likely move on to another treatment. For me, when my doctor realized that clomid was not working for me, he moved me on to injectables (Menopur). However my first try of that didn't work either and now I am on a break while I await fertilityaid and ovaboost.

Having a menstrual cycle that is at times all over the place can be very frustrating enough but not ovulating is even more traumatizing. For a while I have been having a steady menstrual cycle  but after the injectables my cycle has changed. Before the injectables my cycle would last for 35 days but last month it changed to a 24 days cycle with much longer period length (10days) than the usual 4 days.  However, I am hoping that when I start using the fertilityaid and ovaboost I will see and feel some positive changes. I have friends that have reaped positive results from these tablets so lets see what it will do for me.

 I will not let the changes in my cycle distress me and I hope women out there who are having similar situation as myself wont get frustrated and sadden by it either. Women we have to be strong throughout this journey, so stay strong and lets fight a good fight. Take care all and best wishes to those ttc.

Thursday 18 July 2013

Infertility: PCOS

Trying to conceive and not being able to is very hard for women. I can testify that its very distressing to really want a child of my own and is unable to. My journey of ttc started in 2010 when me and my spouse where trying and noticed that we weren't achieving pregnancy. It wasn't quiet a year trying but it was almost a year. After trying for so many months I decided to go to the doctor. I visited the doctor, he did some physical examinations and right there and then I discovered that I have polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). When the doctor told me I had PCOS I was lost out of this world. I though that I wasn't going to able to have a child at all. However, my doctor assured me that all is not lost having PCOS. With all that said, I was still down for a few weeks until I regained my energy to retry. It was after finding out about my condition I  finally realize why I had so much hair over my body. PCOS symptom are having facial hair, irregular periods, difficulty losing weight and much more. Women who have PCOS also does not ovulate very often.

 During my ttc journey so far, I have never been pregnant. From I was diagnosed with PCOS I have been on Metformin. Along with Metformin I have tried Clomid for several cycles and they all failed. I have taken breaks from Clomid and I have also try Injectables once so far. My spouse was the one to administer the injectables because I was too scared to do it myself. He injected two vials per day for five days after which I had to visit my doctor on cd10. My spouse injected the vials and I went back to see my doctor. When I went to see me doctor he did an ultrasound and he saw one follicle measuring 11cm. That follicle wasn't big enough for him to proceed to his next step, which is administering an HCG shot. So he requested that I come back to see him three days time. 

I went back to him within the three days and when he did another ultrasound again he realized that the follicle that was present wasnt getting any bigger. It didn't develop. I was so traumatize because I am trying so badly for years and plus, the injectables cost me soooo much and I couldn't afford another set of injectables.  

I got back my composure days after and I started researching my options online. While researching I reminded myself that I cant stop trying and Ivf would be to expensive at this time. So I have discovered something new called fertilityaid and ovaboost and I have ordered them online. I am now awaiting there arrival and as soon as they arrive I will give an update. So you all can check back for the update on that in the next few days.  Wish me luck y'all and all the best to all those ttc.